This tasty recipe works best on a single sheet pan because the juice and seasonings from the pork chops adds a lot of incredible flavor to the simply prepared roasted garlic broccoli. If necessary, use a larger three-quarter size sheet pan to allow enough room for the...
Sweet Potato Breakfast HashThis recipe delivers such a gorgeous display of color with its rich oranges, deep purples, and gorgeous greens. But once you take a bite, you’ll realize its beauty runs more than skin deep. Roasting the lightly seasoned vegetables brings out...
Print Recipe Pasta Fagioli with Fresh Pesto Course Main Dish Cuisine Italian Servings Ingredients 3 T. Extra virgin olive oil3 ribs celery, chopped1 small onion, chopped3 – 4 medium-sized garlic cloves, finely minced4 c. chicken stock, preferably homemade, divided1 t....
For best results, prepare this recipe on two sheet pans, rather than one. The tenderloin releases a lot of juice while cooking, which can lead to soggy vegetables if they are all cooked together. If roasted separately, the apple and vegetables will have a chance to...
This is how dinner should be: Fast, easy, and full of flavor! You can have this tasty meal on the table in 30 minutes if needed, or you can marinate the steak ahead of time with some olive oil and the dried spices listed below for extra flavor. For best results, use a...